Trump and the "Fake News Media"

I don't usually comment on the comments that come in on my posts, but my Trump post yesterday certainly kicked up a bit of a storm. When Donald Trump joined the race to become POTUS I never gave him a chance, I thought it was some sort of publicity stunt, but I was wrong. The Polls and US and UK media gave him no chance whatsoever. But how wrong was I, and the media were exposed as totally clueless. Trump won, and coined the phrase "Fake News" and by jove he is right.
Trump has made some big mistakes, first he is trying to do what he promised to do before he was elected, a very rare thing. Just look at our lying Politicians regarding the Brexit situation. Most MP's on all sides of the house, have done everything they can to thwart the will of the majority of people, in the largest free vote the UK has ever had. The leave side won, and it should have been end of, we were out. Will we ever be out? I certainly hope so.
Trump promised to build a wall, made sense to me. How can a country have military in place all over the world, yet have a non existent border for the US. I accept many immigrants walking into the US are just looking for a better life, who can blame them, but the fact is, they provide a cover for some of the most vicious criminals on the planet.
Trump also said he would drain the swamp, that's a work in progress, but he has certainly exposed the worst, of the totally corrupt swamp dwellers. We now are learning how Obama and the Clinton crime family done their best to scupper Trumps chance of winning, with highly illegal tactics. People in very high places, in the US Security Services, appear to have committed high treason, will they be punished? time will tell.
A classic example of Trump derangement syndrome is our once great BBC, which has become a totally biased propaganda machine for the Champagne Socialists and Globalists. Only appealing to the great unwashed, SJW's and rebels without a cause. A typical example yesterday from the BBC.
"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal" Emma Goldman
Trump has made some big mistakes, first he is trying to do what he promised to do before he was elected, a very rare thing. Just look at our lying Politicians regarding the Brexit situation. Most MP's on all sides of the house, have done everything they can to thwart the will of the majority of people, in the largest free vote the UK has ever had. The leave side won, and it should have been end of, we were out. Will we ever be out? I certainly hope so.
Trump promised to build a wall, made sense to me. How can a country have military in place all over the world, yet have a non existent border for the US. I accept many immigrants walking into the US are just looking for a better life, who can blame them, but the fact is, they provide a cover for some of the most vicious criminals on the planet.
Trump also said he would drain the swamp, that's a work in progress, but he has certainly exposed the worst, of the totally corrupt swamp dwellers. We now are learning how Obama and the Clinton crime family done their best to scupper Trumps chance of winning, with highly illegal tactics. People in very high places, in the US Security Services, appear to have committed high treason, will they be punished? time will tell.
A classic example of Trump derangement syndrome is our once great BBC, which has become a totally biased propaganda machine for the Champagne Socialists and Globalists. Only appealing to the great unwashed, SJW's and rebels without a cause. A typical example yesterday from the BBC.
A comment from this article here.
Oh well, have a nice day folks, I'm out of here and heading for the bunker. When Jan sees this post, I reckon a severe verbal reprimand could be on the cards. She will probably tell me, I should not get involved in politics as I can never win, and she is probably right.
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