Michael Gove the UK's next Prime Minister?

As the race to be the next Prime Minister hots up, front runner Michael Gove has been forced to reveal his cocaine using in this article here "Drug hypocrite Gove: Would-be PM hosted cocaine-fulled party at London flat just hours after writing article condemning the Class A drug - as his former aide is blamed for forcing him to confess"
"The revelation comes as Mr.Gove pledged to scrap VAT and bring in a lower sale tax to stimulate business following Brexit in a Sunday Telegraph piece" As posted here. In 2020 the VAT raised according to these figures here will be over £800 billion. That equates to around 37% of gross domestic product. I am old enough to remember when £800 billion was considered to be serious money.
Personally, my money is on Prime Minister hopeful Esther McVay. She may have no more going for her, than the rest of the lying, drug snorting troughers, but at least she is easy on the eye.
"The revelation comes as Mr.Gove pledged to scrap VAT and bring in a lower sale tax to stimulate business following Brexit in a Sunday Telegraph piece" As posted here. In 2020 the VAT raised according to these figures here will be over £800 billion. That equates to around 37% of gross domestic product. I am old enough to remember when £800 billion was considered to be serious money.
Methinks Gove AKA 'the back stabber' has been snorting too much cocaine again if he thinks scrapping VAT will improve the UK's finances. That being said, I suspect his new wonder scheme will relieve the serfs of more money than VAT brings in.
Still, as the Ad Men tells us, all publicity is good publicity.
OK, I know, some will say I'm a privileged white male, a misogynist, and a knuckle dragging Nazi, it's a mad world, and getting crazier by the day, and boy, do I fit right in.
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