Lovely weather for ducks !

Where has the sunshine gone? In many areas of the UK people have been experiencing a lot of rain and indeed in the County of Lincolnshire, Eastern England it has caused chaos with hospitals flooding, roads closing and schools calling it a day! My thoughts are with all those who have been affected ...
In Southern England, although raining Eddie and I thought we'd 'brave the weather' and enjoy a walk around a local town ... after all we could easily pop into a tea or coffee shop for a warm break couldn't we! So with walking shoes and waterproofs on off we went. In fact we enjoyed a nice walk and some friendly hello's with people we met en route. What struck me was the number of people who said 'it's lovely weather for ducks' which made me think where did this saying originate ... and I wonder if ducks do like rain?
these two didn't seem to mind it - image from here
and I'm really not sure where this friendly looking duck came from - image from here
Apparently the expression, lovely weather for ducks, (or one similar), has been in use from the first half of the 19th century. Given its humorous usage it may just be derived from a common reference to the common sight of ducks at ease in the rain... but there could be another explanation, if you should know of one do please share your thoughts in the comments.
I wonder, what's the weather been doing where you live?
All the best Jan
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