This High Schooler Benched 525 Pounds, and Now We Feel Weak

It’s no secret that a lot of crazy stuff goes down in Florida, but this 525-pound bench press, performed by high school junior Agelu Nunu, might just be the craziest.
The feat went down at the Florida High School Athletic Association meet, which took place over the weekend of March 13, and the students were competing for the best total between the bench press and clean and jerk. (Yeah, we think that’s a weird combo, too.) The lift was a state record, according to USA Today.
At 6’0” and 285 pounds, the Panama City Beach Arnold High student also managed to clean 300 pounds. And his size and strength aren't reserved for just lifting weights. Nunu is also a defensive tackle for the school’s football team and, according to the Gainesville Sun, already has offers from Arizona, Southern Mississippi, and Florida. We're not sure if football will work out for Nunu but, if it doesn't, he may definitely have a future in powerlifting.
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