The 5 Best Supplement Deals of the Week

Right now you can nab a fantastic deal on the vitamins and supplements you need to get over the proverbial hump. From muscle mass boosters and athletic recovery aids to protein powders, even brain boosters, there’s a product out there that can help. And it’s probably on sale.
But to be clear, no supplement should be viewed as a miracle drug—or any sort of drug. None cure cancer, fix erectile dysfunction, or erase bipolar disorder. But some do support normal body functions to promote better health. There are three supplements even healthy people should take: magnesium, Vitamin D, and fish oil. But there are plenty of others that can help with specific symptoms of poor health, and more still that will aid you in achieving fitness goals.
But know this: If you’re still pounding late-night french fries and pizza, fix that problem first. “The number one thing I see across the board is people aren’t eating enough,” Damon McCune, M.S., the director of performance nutrition for the athletics program at the University of Nevada–Las Vegas, told Men’s Journal. “This means they’re deficient in one or more nutrients because of that.”
But if you’re eating right and exercising regularly and still not seeing the results you crave, perhaps you should try one of these supplements.
Keto Whey Protein (budget friendly)
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