Root Vegetable Chips : Lower Carb Eating

You may already have seen the news about, 'The Diabetes Weight-Loss Cookbook.' it's been featured in the UK's Daily Mail and also on Diet Doctor site … plus I suspect many others. It contains some great lower carb recipe ideas and the one below recently featured in the Daily Mail.
Essentially, people with type 2 diabetes have a problem dealing with sugar, or glucose.
So it builds up in the bloodstream, resulting in higher than normal blood sugars that can, over time, damage small blood vessels in vital organs.
Complications such as blindness, nerve damage and even amputations can eventually follow.
While it’s generally accepted that foods high in sugar can contribute to type 2 diabetes, the role played by starchy carbohydrates – which also contain sugar – is sometimes overlooked.
Following a low-carb diet can, however, help put an end to this destructive sugar cycle."
Now onto the recipe ...
"These glorious root vegetable chips are the ultimate alternative to deep fried potato chips. We have used roots but even the stems of cauliflower leaves make excellent chips. To give you some carb comparisons per 100g (3½oz) fried chips: sweet potatoes contain 20g carbs, white potatoes 18g, parsnips 12g, carrots 7g, swede 5g and the lowest of all, celeriac, has just 2.3g.
Now onto the recipe ...
"These glorious root vegetable chips are the ultimate alternative to deep fried potato chips. We have used roots but even the stems of cauliflower leaves make excellent chips. To give you some carb comparisons per 100g (3½oz) fried chips: sweet potatoes contain 20g carbs, white potatoes 18g, parsnips 12g, carrots 7g, swede 5g and the lowest of all, celeriac, has just 2.3g.
Serves 4 l Per serving 7.8g carbs, 1.3g protein, 1.9g fat, 4.3g fibre, 62kcal
- 500g (1lb 2oz) root vegetables, such as swede, celeriac, parsnips, carrots and turnips, cut into chips (100g of each)
- Lard, beef dripping, duck fat, goose fat or coconut oil, for shallow or deep-frying
- Salt
Heat the fat to 180°C (350°F) in either a deep-fat fryer or a high-sided saucepan and fry the chips for 2 minutes or until very lightly browned.
Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside on kitchen paper until cool to the touch. Fry as above for a further 1-2 minutes until slightly darker and set aside as before.
Just before you are ready to serve, fry for the last time for a further 1-2 minutes or until golden brown all over and cooked through. Serve straight away, scattered with salt to taste."
Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside on kitchen paper until cool to the touch. Fry as above for a further 1-2 minutes until slightly darker and set aside as before.
Just before you are ready to serve, fry for the last time for a further 1-2 minutes or until golden brown all over and cooked through. Serve straight away, scattered with salt to taste."
The above picture and words from article here
Related articles:
'Root Vegetables : So Healthy' here
'Introduction to low-carb for beginners' - find it here
'Root Vegetables : So Healthy' here
'Introduction to low-carb for beginners' - find it here
Please note we have no commercial interest in promoting 'The Diabetes Weight-Loss Cookbook.' We share this article because we like the recipes, and find that they fit well with our Low Carb Higher (Healthy) Fat Lifestyle.
All the best Jan
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